Wednesday, September 10, 2014



"Let them give thanks to the Lord for HIS lovingkindness, and for His wonders to the sons of men!!"
Psalms 107:15

May be crazy to start blogging again when I'm due with our second baby, but I had to share what God is teaching me this morning and what He is showing me through our circumstances!  He has blessed us beyond measure with Asher and our hearts are so full with the joy of having one child.  We, as well as many doctors/specialists, thought we wouldn't have biological children or would have to go through infertility treatment to get pregnant.  God showed us 16months ago that His plan is perfect and that his power rules over any scientific or medical explanation.

Our first miracle, Asher Andrew Martin
Now, fast forward, 16 months, and we're expecting our second little boy any time.  With both Asher and this little one, I have hoped and prayed to have a natural delivery.  I'm a person who does not take medication unless absolutely necessary and felt strongly that this is the path I was supposed to take with delivering a baby.  

God has shown Andrew and I that HIS PLAN PREVAILS no matter what we try and that HE KNOWS BEST.  Long story short, I had a c-section with Asher because he was breech and we found out during the c-section that I have an extremely rare uterine anomaly/deformity in which only half of my uterus formed.  If I would've tried to deliver Asher naturally/vaginally, we would not have found out about this and it probably would not have been safe for Asher or I.

With this little boy (announcing his sweet name at birth:), he has been "head down" and in perfect position for a natural delivery.  I learned today that I'm not progressing and it was recommended I schedule a c-section before my due date next week. This is not what I would've chosen and I've been trying all the natural ways to induce labor and still have hope that he may come on his own, but if not, I know the HIS lovingkindness is always there for those who trust in Him and that He knows what is best.

He hears our prayers, big and small, and in His timing they may, or may not, be answered but ultimately He knows the outcomes and what is best with every circumstance.  This morning, I'm so thankful that I can rest assured that God will protect this little boy and knows the best, safest way for him to entire the world.

We would greatly appreciate prayers for a safe delivery and healthy baby boy.
Much love and blessings,

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